Excel Technology Co

Detection Solutions | Parking | Classification | WIM

Excel now supplies in-pavement piezo sensors! Contact Us for more information and pricing.
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XL 1000 Series (Previously 500e/600e)
One Site | One Chassis | Multifunction

One Product
Vehicle Detection
Vehicle Classification
Vehicle Loaded / Unloaded
Vehicle Weigh in Motion (WIM)
Parking Detection

The XL 1000 is a multifunction detection chassis, which integrates type approved incident detection, vehicle classification and weigh in motion functions into a single module technology solution. Functions and site parameters are user configurable and may be set in metric or imperial measurements to provide a truly global solution.

Multiple functions of the chassis include:
XL-1000 I - Incident Detection
XL-1000 C - Classification
XL-1000 W - Weigh-in-Motion
XL-1000 P - Parking Detection System

An 'electronic key' activates the required function, as a single card resident firmware program provides all these functions. The hardware platform has been designed around a four layer card utilising 32 bit Xlinx BGA micro-controller core technology. The associated analogue circuitry provides for 8 loops and 8 piezos per card module, which are user configurable.

The device also incorporates typically 4 gigabytes of non-volatile memory and multiple communication ports to provide real time data and historical traffic survey data simultaneously. LEDs indicate all operational status functions and facia mounted switches compliment configuration adjustments via the serial communication ports.

Parking Detection System
The XL 1000 P has recently been designed and manufactured to provide real-time parking vacancy information for heavy-vehicles in rest areas. This information is collected via numerous sensor types and configurations and vacancy information is displayed on road advisory signs, enabling truck drivers to know the number of available parking bays at forthcoming rest areas and make safer decisions regarding compliance with driving hour regulations.

The control and communication equipment solution provides an interface between site vehicle detection devices and a remote host system. The rest area site controllers provide power to devices, perform information processing and control functions and communicate parking vacancy data to the host system.

While this product has been designed and developed for the initial purpose as a Truck Rest Area Vacancy Information System (TRAVIS), this framework can be applied to multiple scenarios as a parking information system with advisory capability.
Excel Technology's specialist vehicle detection product range utilises video imaging and in-pavement based detection systems that count, measure, classify, categorise and weigh vehicles in motion from a single hardware platform.

Traffic related functions calculated within the detector include: incident detection and vehicle classification by length and electromagnetic profile analysis, length and axle calculation, loaded / unloaded vehicle status and vehicle weigh in motion (WIM).

Traffic System Applications Excel provides products suitable for integration into:
• Incident Detection Systems – HiOCC, speed, occupancy, headway, counting 
• Vehicle Classification – length, axle & profile 
• Detection for RED-LIGHT and SPEED ANPR systems 
• Deviant vehicle detection - contraflow 
• Freeway Ramp Metering vehicle detection 
• Tunnel Traffic Management Systems 
• Public Transport Priority and Real Time Passenger Information Systems 
• Road usage pattern analysis 
• Road usage restricted vehicle use - monitoring and automated violation recording 

Excel Technology Co Pty Ltd is committed to supporting our customers and we provide operational demonstration programs and related source software for remote data retrieval for project development.

In order to optimise performance and expedite the implementation and maintenance of our field products, Excel Technology has developed a range of support tools. These tools include in-pavement loop and piezo test equipment for expedient qualification of sensor performance, traffic pattern simulation devices for controlled qualification of detector chassis performance and communication network operation and emulation programs, which provide field technicians with test procedures that quickly identify the problem source. 

Excel Technology Co Pty Ltd provides engineering application notes which assist users in optimising equipment performance and minimising problem diagnosis time.  These notes address ‘cross talk’, feeder length, temperature compensation and many other topics related to in-pavement sensor performance.

ETC continually strives to improve our product and service capability, keeping abreast and ahead of industry specification requirements for quality and error.

For information regarding independent evaluation statistics, reports and examples of data output, please Contact Us.

Quality Assured Supplier ISO 9001

Advanced Equipment Features:
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XL 1000 ‘I’ provides incident detection plus 4 bin Ausroads or 6 bin EURO 6 vehicle classification using only a pair of loops. Vehicle classification is based on length and vehicle metal mass concentrations. The XL 1000 I loop detector streams data to a remote system or stores real time incident detection data records incorporating vehicle class categories on an optional data logging module.

Incident Detector~
upgraded XL1000' I' provides Incident Detection plus 4 bin Ausroads or 6 bin EURO6 vehicle classification using only a pair of loops! Vehicle classification is based on length and vehicle metal mass concentrations with real-time streaming and historical data logging.

XL 1000 ‘C’ provides incident detection plus vehicle classification based on length and axle parameters. Vehicle categorisation is dependent on using loops to determine vehicle length and piezos to determine axle configuration. The user can configure up to 128 vehicle length and wheel/axle configurations to enable selection of a specific vehicle class or classes. The XL vehicle classifier provides historical data, real time data and a preconfigured ‘trigger’ function output for auxiliary equipment control.

XL 1000 ‘B’ provides incident detection, plus vehicle classification, plus loaded/unloaded status based on length, axle parameters and a user configurable TARE weight schedule. Vehicle categorisation is dependent on using loops to determine vehicle length and a single piezo to determine axle configuration and load status. A temperature probe facilitates weight adjustment for temperature induced piezo error. The XL vehicle classifier provides historical data, real-time data and a preconfigured ‘trigger’ function output for auxiliary equipment control.

XL 1000 ‘W’ provides incident detection, plus vehicle Weigh in Motion (WIM). Vehicle categorisation is dependent on using loops to determine vehicle length and two piezos to determine axle weight, adjusted for error by a temperature probe. The XL Weigh in Motion (WIM) detector utilises user configurable sensor arrays, that are, loop-piezo-loop or piezo-loop-piezo. The standard channel configuration is two pressure transducer inputs, one or two vehicle detector loops (variable configuration) and a single temperature probe input.

For specifications, configurations and enquiries email enquiries@exceltech.com.au